Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 Day Weekend!

Last Friday I took the day off of work to enjoy a little break. We slept in a little bit, and then packed up our climbing gear! Kenneth has been wanting to climb Mt. Olympus all summer, and we had to fit it in before the snow comes! We hiked up to the base, which took about an hour, and then set up for climbing. The climb was 1,400 feet and was GORGEOUS (pictures to come). The climb up was fun, but getting down was TORTURE! It took absolutely forever! We were hoping to be down the mountain by about 4, and we didn't get back to our car until 8! Insane! I felt REALLY bad because we had a dinner appt with some friends at 5, and we were obviously a bit late...sorry guys! Once we did get down to Provo though, we spent some time with our friends Danny & Heather. We had a WONDERFUL dinner, and then we watched "The Skeleton Key" - which is a VERY odd movie...

On Saturday we headed up to Logan for the funeral of Mama Marva. The funeral went really nicely, and it was great seeing the family again. All of us grandkids sang as part of the funeral, and the eulogy and talk were wonderful. I'm really glad we were able to go.

Sunday came around, and we went to church where I gave the Sharing Time lesson on service. It was really fun, and the few kids we had (only 4 this week) were really engaged. After church we made some delicious apple crisp and took it over to Kenneth's grandma's place and we visited with her during the evening. I always love visiting her, and we have some of the best talks! Can't wait to visit her again!

Well...that was it! Did anyone else do anything fun?


Heather said...

dont worry about being late! we still had fun right!? and i can't get that movie off my brain! i did end up watching an episode of gilmore girls so i could go to sleep w/o freaking out when looking in mirros! ;)

im glad to hear the funeral was nice, sometimes those can be awkward... maybe thats just me though!

come down anytime though, i'll be by myself watching 3 kids at mom and dad kimballs... so come watch the office with me or something!

Stacie S-H said...

Thats nice you can get Fridays off sometimes! I went to a Halloween Party with my friend Brennen & his friend Austin Fri night. Then went to Brennen's and we watched UHF with Weird Al in it. That movie is soo funny & random. have you guys seen it yet? Saturday morning I woke up early to go on a hike to Montezuma castle,more like a walk ,and to Sedona too......went to an outdoor fair in downtown mesa and to the state fair in the evening with my friend Justin and we saw Weezer & Angels & Airwaves perform. So BUSY but oh so fun :)