Saturday, February 11, 2012

Kid Pictures - Emily 10 months

Here are some random shots of the kids from the past month or two.

Danny loves the guitar!  

Danny was playing in his room, and got really quiet...I went in and found him like this!

Day at the park - feeding the ducks

...and playing in the leaves...

...with him little girlfriend Ella who was visiting from Utah

Emily started crawling during Christmas and now gets in EVERYTHING!  Her favorite place - the cabinets

This day Danny decided to join her!
Love these kiddos!  Emily had a doctor's appointment this past week - 10 months.  She is 27.5" long (30%) and weighs 17 lb. 11 oz. (20%).  She is growing so much!  She crawls everywhere, and loves to stand.  She pulls herself up on everything, but especially loves to pull herself up on the dishwasher.  She loves to eat and will eat pretty much anything.  She also likes to babble and likes to copy whatever Danny is doing.  They are so fun together.  My favorite is when Danny waves his hand to her and says, "Come on Emily!  Come play!"  I've got to appreciate those times instead of when Danny tells her to "Go away!" ;)