Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! I hope all is well, and that the holidays are even better for you! I wanted to take the time to share my love and appreciation for my Savior this Christmas season. I love my Savior more than you can know. It is truly a miracle that occurred so many years ago. I am grateful for Mary and for the courage and humility she showed in being chosen as the mother of the Savior of the World. I am grateful for Joseph and for his courage and acceptance to play his part as the earthly father for such a special baby boy. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and for his eternal love for me. I am so thankful for his atoning sacrifice...for his willingness to die to help me return to my Heavenly Father. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father, that He was willing to give up his only begotten son, and to allow the events which happened in the Savior's life so that I can return to live with Him someday. I am grateful for the Resurrection of the Savior, and for the knowledge I have that I will be resurrected someday, and that I can live together with my loved ones forever. I am grateful for the peace the gospel brings to my life. I am grateful for my family especially this holiday season and for all of my innumerable blessings which have been showered upon me. My prayer this Christmas season is that all of us can spend a little more time reflecting upon the Savior and what His birth and life mean to us personally. Let us think of how we can serve others, not just this season but all year long. The innkeeper told Joseph that there was no room for he and his wife. Do we make room for the Savior in our life? Let us de-clutter our lives a little bit more so that we can have more room for the Savior and his teachings in our lives. I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!

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