Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day

My brother Michael and his wife Kim had their baby today! April Fools? No! It took me all day to figure out whether or not the labor and birth were real. Finally it was confirmed when I got a picture this evening. So...CONGRATS! I know Danny will be very happy to have a buddy to play with it!

Did any of you have April Fool's pranks played on you?

Did any of you play a prank on someone else?

Let the stories start rolling!


Becca said...

My SIL sent an email out saying that my MIL went out in the garden and slipped, thus breaking her arm. She had just gotten out of the emergency room when she called my SIL to let everyone know. It was a very mean trick. My kids did NOT like that. Especially since things they are are more of "there's a dragon on the stairs".

Another SIL's in-laws said they had left the church. I think that's pretty cruel too, and not really something you should joke about.

Heather said...

How fun! Congrats to them!

We were at the Dr, obviously, yesterday and as we were sitting in the room waiting for the ultrasound tech to come do the ultrasound I turned to Danny and said "Let's not find out. I changed my mind, lets wait and have it be a surprise again." He was all "What?! Seriously?!" APRIL FOOLS! Hahaha...he just sighed and then took my shoes from me. I thought it was pretty good.

Unknown said...

I saw on KSL a man was cinderblocked into his home by his son! Talk about an awful prank ha!

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

That is so funny! I've always thought it'd be a good April Fools joke to deliver on the 1st since no one would know whether to believe you or not. How fun to have a new little cousin!

Rachel D. Josephson said...

I considered telling my boss the night of april fools that I quiet via email...I managed to get the entire maintenance department to agree it was a good idea, but then we decided not to since it just seemed TOO mean (since they had had that many people walk out on them in the past). Still though, the boss's wife laughed at the idea.