Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Post

So, I've been a major slacker when it comes to blogging lately. I just don't feel like we've done a whole lot. Here is what has been happening though:

1. We've been working on more of the small house projects around the house. We may finally get a closet door up in Danny's room soon.

2. My sister Alisha is staying with us for a few days until she flies out to Germany to be reunited with her hubby, Sai.

3. We rearranged our living room, which is great because I hated it before. It was driving me nuts. We still have some small things to buy to spruce up the decor though.

4. Danny is growing like a weed. He has enjoyed the nice weather lately (until the rainstorm today). He loves to sit outside in the grass (well, on a blanket in the grass) and play while I read. He also is a pro scooter. He is very fast and can prop himself on his knees, but once he's there he doesn't know what to do. I don't think it will take him long to figure it out.

5. We have come to the decision that we will never buy Danny another toy. Why? Because when he is on the floor surrounded by his fun, bright, colorful toys, what does he crawl to? The electrical cords, the phones, the remote controls, or the computer. Good thing we don't invest in expensive toys!

Well, that really and truly is about it. We'll try to get some fun pictures soon, and yes, I realize I haven't put up videos from Bear Lake. I'll work on that too.


Jamie said...

I sure do remember you! Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. I definitely appreciate it.

As for a potential move to Vermont...that sounds exciting! Is it for work or school? New England is so charming and such a fun adventure, especially if it is for only a few winters (: Good luck with everything and keep me posted.

PaA-Lito said...

We'll, I finally read your blog. As always, I'm glad you write. Keep it up.

Love, PaA