Friday, December 5, 2008


That's it! I've given up on trying to find time to put pictures on about I am at least going to tell about our wonderful Thanksgiving!

This year we stayed here in UT and had Thanksgiving dinner at Kenneth's parent's house. Crazy because we met there 3 years before! Insane! It is crazy to think of how different we are after that time! Anyway, Thanksgiving morning I got a call from my brother Tytus who was trying to track me down (neither of us had our cell phones on us) to tell me that my brother Nathan had a new baby! Nathan and Karen were not due until the end of December, so their little bundle came about a month early. Don't worry though, little Issac Samuil Adams is perfectly healthy though! At a month early he weighed in at 8lb 3 oz and was 19.5 in.!! My sis-in-law Karen I'm sure was VERY happy that he didn't stay in for an extra month! What great news to have a Thanksgiving baby! (Though I feel sad that Karen had to endure hospital food on Thanksgiving...lame!)

Anyway, Kenneth's parents had a pretty small Thanksgiving day party compared to most years. Rachelle & Dustin went to Oregon to visit his sister, Chantale was in NY with her boyfriend, and Steph is on her mission. Grandma, Craig & Julie and their 3 kids were in attendance as well as UT parents, Steven, Kenneth and myself. The food was FANTASTIC (rolls, moist turkey, stuffing, salads, lots of veggies, etc...yum yum!) and the company was excellent. That evening, UT Mom's brother Roger came over with his wife and kids (they live in Montana) and we enjoyed a scrumptious array of pies! It was fabulous and I feel like I have gained 10 lbs!

Friday morning we headed down to Moab for the weekend...story and pictures to follow!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Quite honestly, my hospital food was really good! I enjoyed it! They had the best pudding and juices! It really wasn't bad stuff!