Monday, September 21, 2009

Danny's Stats & Weekend Wedding

Whoops! I forgot to put up Danny's stats. He had an appointment last Friday, and had the followings stats:

Weight - 9lbs 2 oz.
Height - 21.5 in

He is now in the 2nd percentile for both weight and height. I can't remember what his head circumference was, but he is in the 3rd percentile for that. The doctor was VERY surprised at how much he grew since the last appointment - almost 2 lbs!

At that same appointment Danny had to have 4 immunizations. One was oral, and 3 were administered in his legs. Poor Danny cried his head off! It was the first time I've seen actual tears from my little guy! It was so sad! He slept a lot afterward, and once it was night-time he was in a lot of pain and was screaming non-stop. So, we gave him some Infant Tylenol and I had to hold him until he fell asleep. That night he slept 14 hours with only 1 feeding! It was crazy!

On another note, we were able to attend a wedding on Saturday for Kenneth's cousin Spencer. It was a beautiful reception (I had to stay with Danny outside of the temple, but Kenneth was able to attend the sealing). Kenneth took his hand at taking some photos again to help build up his blog. Here are a few of my favorites thus far.

First and foremost, here is a picture with me, Danny and Stephanie. I was holding Danny while we were posing for a group picture at the wedding, and I looked down, and this is what I saw. Danny had taken hold of Stephanie's arm and was leaning against her. TOO CUTE! I asked Kenneth to get a quick shot in between our photos. I love it!


Deb Nott said...

Immunizations are the worst! I am so sorry! I started giving Merrill Tylenol about 1/2 hour before the shots and we both handled them much better. (I have to admit, the first time I cried more than he did!)

argylesocks said...

Wow. I had no idea that Kenneth had so much talent. Way to go Danny. I am so happy that he is healthy and well.

Heather said...

Immunizations are so hard! I have a defect that I start laughing in order to stop myself from crying... (it's really a horrible thing) So the nurse thought I was a horrible mother for laughing when Brooke was crying through her shots. I did Tylonol for a while, but I have recently found out that it doesn't really work for Brooke... so we do Motrin. Just something to watch for. I love all the pictures.. they all turned out so well!

Mama Jayne said...

I'm glad Danny is growing so well! Congratulations for taking such good care of him! Hopefully sometime soon he'll be able to grow some hair on his bald little pate as well. We enjoy the pictures on your blog. Keep up the good work.

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

Sounds like Danny's growing fast! I'm so glad he's doing well; he's the cutest little guy :-) And did you/Kenneth take all of those pictures?? They're beautiful!

Luke and Megz said...

Shots are the worst! I can't believe how big Danny is though! Brock was below the 5th percentile until he was 6 months old and he wasn't even premie, so Danny is doing great! That picture of him and Stephie is so sweet! I can't believe Kenneth took these pictures, they turned out so great!! Spence's bride is gorgeous and they look so happy, I am so happy for them.