Monday, April 12, 2010

Bear Lake & Easter

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I was out of town all of last week. Kenneth's parents have a time share in Bear Lake (Garden City, UT) and we went up for a break. Kenneth was able to stay only Friday-Sunday, while Danny & I stayed from Friday-Friday.

Over the initial weekend we had the privilege to listen to the leaders of our church during General Conference. The messages which were shared were truly inspiring. There was a lot of focus on the family which was wonderful since I need all the help I can get!! I cannot wait for the Ensign (church magazine) to come out next month which will feature all of the talks. I am excited to re-read the messages and to apply the teachings into my life.

I realized this was the first photo of Kenneth holding Danny while asleep. Darling!

The rest of the week at Bear Lake went well. I missed Kenneth a ton, and it was difficult because Danny was not feeling well/teething. He woke up quite often at night, and I couldn't just let him cry himself to sleep like he does at home. Not when there are people sleeping above and below us! He has been much better since coming home.

Danny kept giving the most adorable sour face!

It was hilarious at Bear Lake because there were blizzards every day (which always seemed to melt by the end of the day) except Thursday. The sun finally came out so I decided to take Danny swimming for the first time!! He was absolutely adorable and LOVED the pool! He was splashing away like crazy! It was so fun!

Since coming home, I've just been getting things organized at home. Yesterday (Sunday) we had dinner at Kenneth's parent's home with his siblings and had a little Easter egg hunt (since we didn't do anything at Bear Lake). Danny wasn't all that interested in the hunt, except for sucking on the occasional egg. ;)

We also took Danny on the trampoline for the first time this past Sunday. He loved it!

Danny has also improved quite a bit on his crawling! I can't remember how to load the video in the higher quality, so I'll do that tomorrow so you can see. Thanks!


Stacie S-H said...

you should enter his pucker / sour face in the sweet tomatoes contest! i think it ends soon. Check out their site or ? for more info!

sounds like a great trip. Loved the pix!

Heather said...

so cute! i can't believe how old he is looking! Just think, by the time we have #2 he will be a year old! Crazy!

Nate and Ellen said...

Cute Pics!!!! Danny is getting so big! He looks a lot more grown up then the last time we saw him!!!

argylesocks said...

Okay, I want to know where Kenneth found that shirt (top two pics). I love that bottom picture, what a cute kid.

PaA-Lito said...

Little Danny is starting to look not-so-little. Love the pictures!

Kendall and Melissa said...

I just love all of the pictures, for two reasons. 1) I can't get over how stinkin' cute little Danny is! 2) I think Kendall and I have decided that we really need to get a nice camera. Your pictures are always so beautiful. Fun trips, cute family, we sure miss you guys. We'll see you in July though! We need to get planning a dinner group, even if we just do it at a park somewhere.

Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

Such cute pictures! I especially love the ones of Danny crawling in the grass to get the eggs. Too adorable.