Thursday, May 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

5 Things On My To-Do List
1. build food storage shelves
2. finish reading my latest book
3. Hang out with my old roomie Heidz
4. Put up pictures in our living room
5. Go grocery shopping

5 Things I Will Never Wear Again
1. skinny jeans - GROSS!
2. ponytails on the side of my head
3. fish-net shirts (on top of a regular t-shirt of course) - the early 90' disgusting!
4. flannel shirts - I know...who ever thought that would have been popular in my elementary school??
5. large scrunchies in my hair

5 Things I Do For Fun
1. go rockclimbing
2. hiking
3. camping
4. watch movies
5. play board/card games with family

5 Things I Love About My Husband
1. He is SOO incredibly patient with me
2. He never gets mad
3. He treats me like a queen
4. He never makes me feel stupid if I don't know how to do something
5. He honors his Priesthood

5 Things I Love To Cook
1. homemade salsa!!
2. stuffed jalapenos
3. enchiladas (are we sensing a theme here??)
4. bread - well, Kenneth usually makes this one, but I LOVE eating it afterwards!
5. chicken puffs

5 Things I Rely On
1. Kenneth
2. the gospel, my testimony and the atonement
3. my family friends
5. relaxing evenings to refuel from draining days

Alright...I tag...Kim, Aubrey and Megz!


The Adams Family said...

Sometimes I pretend that you know a million Kim's and you haven't tagged me.


Unknown said...

HA! this was a funny post, skinny jeans side pony tails and flannel shirts.
imagine them together! :P

Heather said...

We will def need as much help as possible. We get our keys tomorrow (Sat). So if you could come either Friday night, Saturday day or Monday day. I would LOVE the help! Thanks!

Mark Nott said...

Hey look what I found! It's the Noyce blog! If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go take some rage out on some couches. BLARG!