Thursday, August 26, 2010

Danny's New Hobbies

Danny has taken up some new hobbies lately, and I thought I would share them:

This was SOO funny! Danny is a little obsessed with the bathroom lately...He was trying to crawl into the bathtub, but got stuck half way. It was hilarious!

This was one of my favorites! I was doing dishes, and I turned around to see that Danny had crawled COMPLETELY inside the cupboard! I had the tiniest panic attack when I couldn't find him initially!

Danny was playing in his room by himself, and when I walked in, I found him like this. He crawled in through the bottom leg area, and was standing in it, just bouncing away!

This is another new hobby. No explanation needed...

Yup! We've got ourselves a drinker...of IBC root beer. Yum!

I love this picture and just had to throw it in! It represents things that are surely to come! We've been learning body parts, and because of the "belly button" he is always lifting up his shirt...and mom's and dad's as well! Yikes!

Well, I hope you enjoyed the photo log of Danny's new and wonderful(?) hobbies!


Ash and Matt | A SoCal Story said...

Oh my goodness, these are all so stinking cute! His facial expressions in every picture are adorable. We love that little guy and can't wait to play with you three again soon :-)

The Adams Family said...

He looks pretty happy. I don't think that you should stop anything he is doing at all. He would definately be devastated.

Heather said...

Looks like he takes after his parents in climbing! How cute!

Chrissy said...

So cute! Kenzie tries to climb in the bathtub any chance she gets too. I have yet to find her hiding in cabinets though. She does love any small space she can find. I love that no matter what he's doing, Danny is perfectly content. What a good kid you have. And, adorable, may I add?

Sarah+Jamason=Tyler said...

Looks like you got yourself a handful-a cute one though that's for sure! =)

PaA-Lito said...

These are great pictures. Children get into all kinds of places. Don't let him try that bathtub trick with the would not be good. Oh dear, childproofing a house can be challenging with small children who are so adventuresome and creative. Let the adventures continue!

Thanks for sharing.