Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Easter Weekend

So, you're probably wondering why I am posting about easter when it was over 2 weeks ago...well, not for me! Becuase my mother-in-law was in the hospital over Easter weekend, we decided to celebrate it this past weekend during General Conference. Kenneth and I spent the night at his parent's house for the weekend and enjoyed uplifting talks, good food, fun company, and so much more! On Saturday we helped the Easter Bunny get ready with some additional things we were doing for the family, and then on "Easter" all the family came over. Aidan, our 2 year old nephew, kept running around picking up and opening all the hidden easter eggs, and wouldn't leave them alone! Then again, I don't know what we were thinking putting off the easter egg hunt until noon! Anyway, it was VERY fun, and now Kenneth and I have more candy than we should eat in a year. We seriously have a jar that is a foot tall and about 8" wide FULL of candy! Goodness! Anyway, it was super fun. Yea for Easter!

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