Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day yesterday!! I'm not going to lie - it is so crazy to think that I will be a mother soon! Kenneth tells me I already am - I've got a baby inside me haven't I?!? The whole thing is so surreal! I can't wait for the joy that will come from being a mother.

I am blessed with many mother's in my life! To my mom, thanks for bringing me into the world and for teaching me the gospel from a young age. I have always known how to tell the difference between right and wrong because of you. To Jayne, my step-mom, thanks for being so supportive of me when you married Papa. I am so grateful that you never tried to force a relationship with me as a 13 year old girl. I love you for that, and through the years have learned so much from you about patience and kindness. To Karen, my UT-Mom (mother-in-law), thank you for accepting me as your own daughter and for providing counsel and advice when needed.

Yesterday in church, we had a wonderful talk on Mother's - and how EVERY woman is a mother. I believe this with all my heart. I know that some people, including many close to me, have not yet had the opportunity to have children of their own, but I know that as women, we have a divine role for helping to teach Heavenly Father's children and to help nurture them. So, thank you to EVERY woman for being a mother! Happy Mother's Day!!


PaA-Lito said...

I love you. And yes, happy mother's day!

Kendall and Melissa said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too! I think that they keep getting better and better!