Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yay for Friends!!

So, my best friend Emily, from back home has finally returned from her mission. Em and I have been best friends for almost 10 years now. She is definitely someone I can be completely honest with about my fears, worries, concerns, joys, etc. We know that when we talk (or write when she was on the mission) that we never had to sugar coat anything. If we were frustrated about something, we could just say it, and we never worry about being judged.

As I mentioned, Emily has been serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Billings, Montana area for the last 18 months. We wrote COUNTLESS letters while she was gone, and I am SO EXCITED to have her back in Utah!

Yesterday I was having a down day, and Kenneth was out rockclimbing with his buddy from Scotland when I got a call from Emily...just calling to check up on me. It is SO nice being able to call my best friend at any time now! It totally made my day and turned that frown upside down! Thanks for being awesome Em!

1 comment:

Kendall and Melissa said...

I love best friends! They are definitely hard to find and keep in touch with, so it's great that you two are still so close!