Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 Months Old!!

Today Danny turned 4 months old. I can't believe how fast the time is going. He is a 3rd of a year!! YIKES! That really makes it feel like it is just around the corner! I cannot get enough of our little boy. I love his so much more than I ever would have imagined. I am so blessed because overall SUCH a good baby!! He eats great, he sleeps through the night and he has a wonderful schedule he got himself on during the day. It is a little hard working from home with him since all he wants to do is play now, and I can't. Sad. Hopefully I won't have to work for too much longer. I get the feeling he gets SO bored! Anyway, Kenneth is taking him to his Dr's appointment tomorrow so I'll have some stats on him then. Pretty sure he won't be in the 2nd percentile anymore. This kid has some cheeks!! Here are some pictures of him at 4 months.

Danny smiles ALL THE TIME now, but alas, this was the only grin I could. What can I say, I took it right before bed. He wasn't in a playing mood.

This is Danny's most recent discovery...his tongue!! He is learning how to control it, so now whenever I stick out, or click my tongue he does it too. SO CUTE!

Danny loves "Patty-Cake" and will usually start smiling and "laughing" - his other favorite is "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes"

The other discovery he has made recently - his fists! He would suck on them before but NOTHING compared to now!

Well, there he is! Stats will be up tomorrow. Happy four months Danny!!

1 comment:

PaA-Lito said...

These are such great pictures! I'm so glad you put them up. Danny is so cute and happy.