Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Grateful for Blessings

I have been trying to show more gratitude for my blessings lately. I have been blessed with SOO many things, and I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father. I would like to list just a few things I am truly grateful for.

1) Kenneth: I am so grateful for my husband. He is so kind and sweet, and he treats me like I am a queen. I know he would do anything for me, and I would do anything for him. I am so grateful that we can talk about anything, and that we have open communication to help our marriage remain strong and to become even stronger. I'm also grateful that he is an AMAZINGLY hard worker. I'm so grateful that he is a handyman and that he has been able to do so many things with our little house to improve it so much.

2) My testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: I know, without a doubt that this church is true. I don't understand everything, but I cannot deny the Spirit which I have felt while reading the scriptures, hearing the prophets speak, through prayer and church services. The gospel is not just something I believe, it is who I am. It is encompassed in everything I say and do. I am so grateful for the Prophet, President Monson. I know he is a man of God, and that he is the Lord's mouthpiece here on the earth. I am so grateful for my Savior. I love him, and am constantly in awe of the love he has for me, despite my innumerable flaws and shortcomings.

3) Family: I am SOO grateful for family! I love my parents, and am grateful for the many lessons they taught me while I was younger. I am grateful for their influence and support in my life. I am grateful for siblings and nieces and nephews. I'm also grateful for in-laws, and am SOO grateful that Utah Mom is finally getting better. We saw her on Monday, and she jumped off the couch and is able to walk around normally. She was so full of energy and her cheeks are filling in a bit (that's right...she's gained 6 pounds in like a week!!!). I am so grateful for family, and I am grateful that families can be together for ever.

4) Friends: I love friends! I don't get to see many friends very often...and most of my friends are scattered about in different states and even countries, but I think about you guys all the time! I love thinking back to funny memories, and lessons I have learned from my friendships. Thanks for being my friend! If any of you ever come down to Salt Lake...stop on by!

5) Our Home & Jobs: I am so grateful that Kenneth and I were able to buy a home! I love our little house!! I am so grateful that we were both raised learning how to save money and live frugally so that we can afford such things. I am also so grateful for our jobs which allow us to save, pay for expenses and have fun! I am having a great time working at 3-Form still, and Kenneth has a blast now that he gets to shoot arrows and do CAD drawings all day. I'm so grateful for the experience it will give him.

Well...this is already ridiculously long, so I'll end there...I'm sure no one has read down to here anyway! Oh well! I am grateful I've been able to reflect on just a few things I am truly grateful for!

1 comment:

The Adams Family said...

Hey Amy, I read down to the bottom of your list. Get ready for the big trip next week.