Thursday, June 26, 2008

Grow Garden! Grow!

Oh man...we planted our first garden about 2 weeks ago and we have been so excited about it! Here is what we planted:

3 tomato plants
2 zucchini plants
2 crookneck squash plants
1 green bell pepper plant
1 jalepano plant
1 cucumber plant

We ripped up grass, watered, fertilized, planted, built a little sprinkler system, and added a lot of tender lovin'care. I would watch with great anticipation EVERY DAY to see if anything was happening...which is kind of bad because it isn't going to grow overnight...

SO, I decided that I had to stop looking at the plants every few hours otherwise I would drive myself a couple of days passed by and I went out and our plants were DYING!! Bugs have been eating all of the leaves, which made me really mad! So, we rushed to go buy some bug spray. We sprayed down the plants and added more you think they're going to make it? Do you think our little plants can hold on a little bit longer?? I sure hope so! I've been including our little garden in our prayers even! Grow garden! Grow!


Mark Nott said...

Deb killed a lot of stuff before she got anything to grow.

Unknown said...

ah! that would be so sad if they all died!

Hansen said...

Fun! I want a garden!

Hansen said...

Don't worry, it'll come around.

Heather said...

ew... squash?! gross... lol. GOOD LUCK! I hope you have a green thumb!