Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today Stinks!

Have you ever had one of those days that you just wanted to END! Welcome to my current day! Work is insane! We are going to break our record for most calls taken in a day. We're almost of 700 calls, and that's with over an hour and a half left! The calls NEVER slow down enough to catch your breath, and I am getting SO annoyed with all the customers who call in wanting pricing for a "3-form resin panel" - HELLO! Do you think we only sale 1 product?? Try hundreds! And with the different combinations - up that to millons of possible products! Arg! And then when I tell them they need to get more information they say, "Oh, well I thought you would give that to me..." - okay then! I think you should buy our MOST expensive product so that I can get a raise! Excellent! Oh my goodness! Plus, my arm is cramping because it has been typing NON-STOP today! I have been trying to be more positive with my life, and especially work, but today just blew it for me...I'm so tired, and I'm so annoyed...I'll go back to my normal self tomorrow. Only 1 hour 36 minutes and 29 seconds to go...28...27....26.


Megan said...


Heather said...

I am so sorry! I hate those days! Try to think about what a great weekend you just had though! Let us know if you need us to do anything!

Unknown said...

ooooooooh how i do not miss those days!

James and Monica said...

Amy, Amy, Amy...from your sleeping comment and your "special" day at work...I'm wondering if there's something in the "oven".....


Rachel D. Josephson said...

Yep, I've had a couple "special" days myself this week--and it's only Wednesday!

Hope it get better for you soon.

As for hanging out...let me get through my block class first (I have to memorize 200 plants before midterms) and then we should most definitely set something up.

Nick & Danielle said...


Rachel N said...

I'm SO sorry! You guys are my heroes!!!