Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Breech Baby No More!

So, I've been a little nervous since my last Dr.'s appt 2 weeks ago because I was told that Baby Danny was breech. I was pretty sure that he had been breech most of the time too. Everyone kept telling me that I shouldn't worry - that there was plenty of time for him to turn. Nonetheless, however, I letself get worked up about it - not too bad considering I've been pretty mellow throughout the whole pregnancy! Anyway, I was concerned because I really don't want a c-section. Kenneth kept telling me that if I ended up having the c-section it would be for a reason, and that I just need to trust the Lord, especially in these situations. I was grateful for his words of wisdom and was starting to get used to the idea of possibly having a c-section.

Anyway, today I had my appt. and baby Danny has turned! I was very excited! I hope he stays that way! My widwife thinks he will - usually at this point the head it so heavy compared to the rest of the body that they have a hard time flipping around. So, that is my good news! I love having ultrasounds at this point and actually being able to see Danny's face and little features. He's a cutie! I hope the next month and a half go by quickly!


Becca said...

I'm glad to hear he turned. My last 2 were breeched, but they turned usually about a week or 2 before delivery. I think they had to decide they were ready to come.

PaA-Lito said...

Headstands! Yea BABY!

Heather said...

In Kenneth's words... "Lets make like a baby and HEAD OUT!" ;) You're doing so well!

BTW, you ever wonder why they can be upside down for so long, but when we do it we get dizzy and all the blood rushes to our heads?! Why doesn't that happen to them?!

Kendall and Melissa said...

I'm so glad he turned! Isn't it crazy how stressful motherhood can be? And he hasn't even been born yet! Hang in there, you're doing great!

argylesocks said...

Just like everyone else, I am so glad he turned. The thought of a C-section really is stressful. Let me know if I can help in any way. I am so very excited for you. It is super fun having a new baby.