Sunday, July 26, 2009

3 weeks old

Danny is 3 weeks old today. Just when I thought things were getting easier emotionally that all came to a head-way today. I feel like I hit a brick wall. Emotionally I am completely drained. I feel like a terrible mother. I feel like I can't do anything right, and I feel like a complete IDIOT for my lack of "mommy knowledge" - I swear Kenneth is a better "mom" than I am. Anyway, I'm going to sleep...perhaps this feeling is partially because of a lack thereof...and hopefully tomorrow will bring a brighter, new day.


Kendall and Melissa said...

Hang in there. It will come and go like that. Try not to get down on yourself. Get some sleep and watch for signs of depression. It is real, so don't ignore it. But sleep will definitely make a difference! You are not a bad mom!! You are going through some really rough things! But hang in there. Love ya!

Heather said...

You're COMPLETELY normal for feeling this way! If you didn't have moments like this, I would be MORE worried! You're doing great! Danny doesn't have anything to compare you to... you're his hero!

Like Melissa said, get some sleep and keep your chin up! Things that helped my baby blues were sleeping, showering, shaving, and cuddling! Let me know if you want some girl talk time... it helps to talk about it too! Even if you do cry...crying is clinically proven to be therapeutic!

We're all here for you! LOVE YOU!

Sharon Adams said...

Hi sister, this is Sharon, don't be so hard on yourself you know you're a good mom and you give your best to take care of your little one, your friends are right, these feelings will pass quickly and just think how happy you're going to be when you get your little one for yourself.
Get better Amy and I'll see you at Danny's blessing.

Your latina sister ;),


Deb Nott said...

Fact - you are AWESOME!!!!!!
I agree with Melissa and Heather. It is totally normal to feel completely depressed and ready to call it quits for the sake of your kid. The best thing for me to remember is that the Lord sent Danny to YOU. You are the best one for the job!!! Not even the nurses at the hospital can do what you do for him, and even if they seem to know what they are doing, they are not his mommy!
Hang it there and call if I can help! Love ya!